New Chapter

2005 June - October

Created by Kerrisue 15 years ago
Born on 11th june the same date as my late grandad. She was such a lovely cute baby in her very short time with use she was such a joy to be around forever smiling she never cried always so bubbley she always new when her Daddy was due home every nite after work cos she always got cuddleds and they would both just lay there for hours with such contentment , she was very much so a daddy's little angel. Every minute of every day you was with us you was such a joy to be around, where ever we went you always brought the sunshine with you no matter how dull and dreary the weather was. You was always so alert and always had a beaming smile on your face regardless. On the night you decided to close your eyes forever you was feeling a little unsettled even though you didn't really let it show but I knew but still you would throw me a smile when ever I looked at you as much to say I'm ok mum, so at about 4 am I decided to let you sleep on the settee as soon as I put you down you drifted straight of to sleep I must have dosed of as well because the next thing I remember was your daddy waking me up picking you up from the spot you fell asleep. Dispite the effort off your daddy and the paramedic that arrived in mins you was already gone you was only 4 mth old. My life my sunshine had gone and left us what was we going to do.

